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People Doing Good...

An aide memoire for me, this is a list of articles and videos of people providing useful information and activity related to soil, wildlife, microbiology, grazing etc.


How to make a hot compost and compost tea by Molly Haviland.

Click here.


The Importance of Fungi in the World's Soils with Peter McCoy.

Click here.


What it takes to make a living grazing animals on grass by Greg Judy.

Click here.


How to set up a Johnson/Su composting reactor, narrated by Dr Johnson.

Click here.


Making and applying compost tea, from a Johnson/Su reactor, on a large US farm.

Click here.


The Soil Carbon Sponge, Climate Solutions and Healthy Water Cycles with Walter Jehne. Click here.


A study from Belgium on the effect of released pheasants on lizards etc populations. Click here.

Eat meat and animal fats, buy the best you can.

© 2014 by Peter Mawson.

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